Here’s what you can expect from a SkinPen treatment:
A plan for optimal results. Your physician may recommend a course of procedures based on your individual goals. Maintenance of your procedure might require multiple treatments.
A comfortable procedure. Based on your needs, your physician will likely apply a topical numbing agent to the treatment area.
A short procedure time. The treatment will likely take about 30 minutes.
A mild sensation. Most patients report feeling only the slight vibration of SkinPen during the procedure.
Minimal post-procedure effects. The skin will appear slightly pink to red immediately post-procedure, similar to a mild to moderate sunburn. Additionally, the most common treatment responses experienced were dryness, rough skin, tightness, redness, itching, peeling, discomfort, tenderness, and burning. These conditions resolved over time without any further complications. Please see patient labeLling for detailed safety information.
Soothing aftercare. Your clinician will provide Skinfuse® LIFT, a clean, non-cytotoxic hydrogel used to prevent the skin from drying out post-treatment.
An effective post-procedure protocol. Your provider might recommend an aftercare regimen.
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